Our Story

Winner of the MIT COVID-19 Challenge

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We are a diverse and energetic team that met during the MIT COVID-19 Challenge in May 2020, a global event with close to 2000 participants who dedicated 3 days to tackle problems related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our team has a common goal of working collaboratively to create solutions for our most vulnerable population, specifically those that live and work in the new hotspot: nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

Over the course of 48 hours, our team worked closely to identify the problem, sketch out ideas, design implementation plan, establish user experience, create a storytelling process, and pitch our ideas to a panel of judges.

With the support of our track lead and mentors, plus the many hours of zoom meetings, our team created CareOwl, a web & mobile platform for frontline health workers to access COVID-19 educational and training resources.

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